How The Kreative Lab is Revolutionizing Wearable Art | Interview with Lakia Brown


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Scale Up Your Business


Lakia Brown, the owner and sole designer of The Kreative Lab, is a talented creator of wearable art. Growing up in a large household with limited options, Lakia began her journey by customizing and repurposing clothing. Her passion for textiles and fashion deepened during her time living in the Middle East, where she discovered unique handmade garments and developed relationships with local vendors. After returning to the United States and completing her studies in communications, Lakia merged her graphic design skills with her love for fashion, transitioning from Kia's Creations to The Kreative Lab in 2014. Her brand focuses on providing options for individuals of all sizes and genders, with a particular emphasis on catering to the needs of plus-size individuals who often face limited choices in the fashion industry. Hip hop has greatly influenced Lakia's designs, with Jay Z and other iconic rappers serving as inspiration for her graphic t-shirts and apparel. Her love for music is evident in her designs and even extends to her personal life, with a music note tattoo on her hand. Despite initially operating her business unofficially, Lakia's advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is to ensure proper registration and paperwork from the start. She learned the importance of proper documentation the hard way but has since rectified the situation. Lakia's journey is a testament to creativity, perseverance, and a dedication to providing unique and inclusive fashion options through The Kreative Lab.