How to add laneway houses and coach houses for more income. Paving the new path for investors with Brady Mcdonald


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First Responders Wealth Network


Brady McDonald of BK Real Estate Investing has purchased $60M worth of properties and involved in over $80M dollar’s worth of transactions over the years. In this episode he’s going to share with you some of the ways to renovate, purchase, and even add an additional house/dwelling onto your existing property. BRRR, Flipping, buy and hold….we talk about it all. Listen to this podcast and learn how to gain more profit in real estate, and how to stay up to date on new trends and laws being passed, such as new laneway or secondary dwelling rules! Highlights: 8:03 Converting garages into living space 8:49 Knowing the process well 9:03 Slab on grade/ Maxing out on specific square feet 9:41 Maximizing the return and least amount to build + max amount for renting 9:50 Challenges when connecting to services 10:55 How to make triplex profitable 12:30 Converting existing properties 13:40 Renovation process and construction time frames 17:09 How to market or make campaigns in getting more deals 20:28 What to look for in an acquisition manager 25:15 Using strategies that get leads   Links: Facebook: Brady McDonald Website: BK investing IG Handle: @bk.brady