How To Change Careers | Brian Rella


Listens: 30

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Are you contemplating a career pivot but find yourself stuck at the crossroads of 'comfortable yet unfulfilling' and 'aspiring yet uncertain'? You're not alone. As a seasoned career transition coach, Brian Rella guided countless professionals through this labyrinth.

Here's what you can learn from him: Personal job dissatisfaction isn't just an inconvenience—it's often the spark that ignites change. But to navigate this journey successfully, one must adopt a holistic view. Your career doesn't exist in isolation; it shapes your personal life, relationships, and overall well-being.

The most formidable challenge? Recognizing your transferable skills and wielding them with confidence in new arenas. And remember, age is merely a number; whether you're 30 or past 40, shifting from an "I can't" to an "I can" mindset is pivotal.

Working alongside a coach can turn aspirations into actionable plans by pinpointing desires and matching them with potential roles—especially during the job search phase where research, informational interviews, and strategic questioning become key tools in your arsenal.

Interview success hinges not just on showcasing skills but also on engaging actively as listeners who understand company ethos deeply—a dance of communication that continues until you ink that official offer.

Once aboard this new ship if it doesn’t sail smoothly—communicate! Decide whether to anchor down (and improve) or set sail again. Frequent job-hopping might signal deeper issues worth exploring rather than quick fixes for advancement.


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