How to Find More Balance in Your Busy LIfe!


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GLAM State of Mind

Health & Fitness

Do you wear many different hats like me? I'm a wife, a mom of 3 and a business owner and sometimes it seems like there aren't enough hours in the day to accomplish all I want (or need) to accomplish! I recently felt so conflicted about competing demands upon my time, that I felt I needed to write all of my roles down on paper. So I pulled out a notebook, drew a circle in the middle and wrote "ME" in that circle. I then began to brain dump and started writing some of my roles and responsibilities in other circles or bubbles on the page and connected them all to the center circle. And you know what? Before long, I had filled the entire page in that notebook! Having it all down on paper took it out of my head and helped me see my overwhelm in black and white before me. But it also helped me keep my perspective about balance and what that word really means to me. Forget about everything being perfectly equal... and forget that guilt-ridden word of "perfection"! Let's start thinking of balance differently to make our lives (and tasks before us) easier to navigate and master! I'll share my inspiration with you in this episode!