How to get a Credit Card without Income Proof


Listens: 5

Credit Cards Talk show by Tanisha


Credit cards are popular financial instruments which are preferred by individual users because they allow instant spending and provide access to good deals, rewards, loyalty points and more. While getting a credit card with no income is challenging it is not entirely impossible.

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With the following ways, you can get a credit card without any need for income proof:

Secured credit card:A secured credit card is a card which is backed by a payment which is used as collateral. A secured credit card is usually offered to people who do not have a credit history or have a limited credit history by still require a credit card.

Add-on card:An add-on credit card or a supplementary credit card would let you share your credit card with your family members while keeping a track on their expenses.

Joint credit card:With a joint credit card, two people are actually on the same credit card account together. Whether it’s a good idea for you depends on your financial circumstances—and theirs.

Student credit card:Irrespective of whether one is studying in India or abroad, student credit cards are specially designed to suit the needs of college students.