Ep 29: How to solve any real life problem with these 7 steps


Listens: 6312

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Watch an animated summary here - https://youtu.be/0pXTk7s08TY Problem solving is a highly important skillset to succeed in both personal & professional life. Most people aren't good at problem solving because if they were, there wouldn't be so many problems in the first place. There are plenty of problem solving frameworks that you can find such as six sigma, Lean and other conceptual frameworks and in this episode I am not particularly talking about any of those. Although for the sake of bringing to you the most useful information I have studied most of these frameworks of problem solving and in amalgamation with my personal thoughts on this matter I will describe it to you in a simple way as a seven step method to reach the best solution for your problem with day to day examples. Do listen till the end and subscribe to my podcast for more content like this. Thank You