Hypnosis for Self Sabotage


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Heartfelt Awakening Radio

Religion & Spirituality

Worthiness issues almost always causes self sabotage. Set up a goal only to do its opposite, goal to quit smoking and you find yourself smoking more or goal to lose weight only to find yourself eating more! Today we’re going to talk about the root of the issue, worthiness and how hypnosis can clear the way for you to achieve your goals. Client experience; client who was looking to use hypnosis to lose weight also found she could quit smoking at the same time because we set up her healing team, created a clear goal and a path to get there. She has found she has been losing weight and has quit smoking and wishes she had done this a long time ago. So we got clear again with her goal and image, combining the second and sixth chakra with hypnosis techniques to integrate the regrets so she can continue to move forward with her health goals. Once her image became clear, her path opened and her boundaries appeared, she clearly knew what she needed to say yes to, and what she had to say no to in order to achieve her goals.  See if hypnosis will help you break through self sabotage! Set up your free connection call HERE!