Idioms! Close Shave & To Come Out of Ones Shell! English with Billgreen54


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American English Grammar Review


American English grammar review with Billgreen54. Idioms! Always a fun subject. Hey, let's start off today with the idiom close shave. It means to have a narrow escape. Here's an example I created for you. Hey The driver was distracted for a moment and nearly hit another car. He missed the other car, but it was a close shave. So there might have been an accident of some kind, but it was very, very close. Another example, he despite a close shave when she was nearly caught in the military camp, she had to climb a tree just to stay hidden. Next up is closed minded to be unwilling to consider new ideas. Hey, here's an example. I encourage you to try new things. Don't be so closed minded. Another example. Anyone who wants to make the world a better place will eventually have to contend with closed minded people. Yeah, that's probably true. Sometimes we work with people and they don't have any imagination. They're closed minded. The antonym to close minded is open minded. He or she is an open minded person. They listen to new ideas and they're always thinking about ways to improve. Hey, the next idiom coming up here is clown around to act silly. Of course, he's clowning around again, an example is Hey, the teacher asked the students to Stop being silly. She told them to stop clowning around stop playing in the classroom right? Hey, another example. Jerry likes to clown around and he's always playing practical jokes on everyone clown around can be compared to fool around horse around in monkey around cock and bull story, a story that's too unlikely to be believed. I have an example for you. Hey, you want me to believe some cock and bull story that you're late getting home because you got lost and then ran out of gas. It's not true isn't another example. Hey, the driver tried to explain his way out of getting a speeding ticket by inventing a Cock and bull story. a synonym to cock and bull story is song and dance. Or maybe snow job is giving me a snow job. It means he's lying. Or not telling me the truth. Cold Feet. It's when someone is too scared to do something. Joel wanted to ask Mr. Lee for a pay raise. But when Joel saw him, he got cold feet and just said good morning, something like that. Right? He didn't want to ask him for a pay raise. He had cold feet. Hey, the soldier got cold feet. When the pilot told him it was time to parachute out of the airplane. In other words, he didn't want to jump with his parachute out of the plane. He got cold feet, a couple of synonyms to cold feet is chicken out and to have second thoughts cold turkey, something that happens abruptly very quickly. And not gradually or over time, Harry decided to stop smoking cigarettes all at once he decided to quit cold turkey. So when he stopped smoking, which is a good idea, right? He stopped all at once, not over weeks or months. Another example of cold turkey. Hey, many doctors believe that if you want to give up using a drug, you can't do it gradually. You have to stop cold turkey come full circle to return figuratively to a point where one has been before Bruce practiced law in a small law firm, then taught law at a university and then gave up teaching and is practicing law again. He has come full circle. Now the example we started with a small two bedroom house but as the family grew, so did the size of the houses we moved into over the years. Now that the children are grown and have left home. We've come full circle and are moving back into a small house. The expression to come full circle suggests that in greeting a full circle one returns to a starting point, calm offered a response to a statement that can never be believed or a behavior that must be stopped. --- Send in a voice message: