If we've said it once, we've said it 100 times - it's all about "Fonts, Fonts, Fonts"


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ACEs Conference: The Podcast


Today Justin and Tim interview Paul Newton from Extensis who just celebrated his 25th year there! Extensis provides a few amazing tools for creative firms. Between font management software for the single designer up through the enterprise organization, to digital asset management and more - Extensis is THE company for creatives. Meet Paul and learn more about Extensis at the ACES Conference 2020: The Prequel on May 19-20th.   As always, ACES Conference: The Podcast is discussing your Apple Consultancy. Discussing all the things that make your MSP grow and how you can make more money. ACES Conference 2020: The Prequel will be a first-ever virtual conference for ACES attendees and more - covering all things business. Happening May 19-20 online! ACES Conference 2020 live will be in Atlanta GA, October 20-21. Tickets for everything are on sale now at https://www.acesconf.com #acesconf #ACES2020ThePrequel #business #conference #IT #msp #blowyamind Bonus: Want some great at home Wifi tips:  https://www.virtuacomputers.com/working-from-home-a-technology-quickguide/