Improvising Your Way to Conscious Leadership with Megan Mack


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For the EVOLution of Business


[1:15] Megan's path to from Conan O'Brien to improv training at Second City[3:45] How comedy writing and improv reinforce each other[4:45] How an improv mindset helps Megan as a producer and occasional host of Connections on WXXI (Tune in on AM 1370 in Rochester on weekdays from 12-2 or listen to the podcast "Connections with Evan Dawson")[7:00] Practicing improv as a way to be a better listener[11:00] What does it mean to "Yes, And..."[13:20] Bringing "Yes, And" to leadership, life and business[17:00] Using improv to build trust, vulnerability and emotional intelligence on a team - "Just have fun and the funny comes."[26:00] Developing an interest in becoming a teacher[28:00] Megan's current performing groups and how to build chemistry as a team[37:30] Building trust in yourself through improv - "It's the art form. When you're preaching 'Yes, And' you're preaching acceptance. When you practice that in scenes, it carries on into life."[40:50] The "Don't Think" principleAlan Alda's book "If I Understood You, Would I Have this Look on My Face" Center for Communicating Science: by Mick Napier with at home exercises:[43:00] The intersection of the Improv and Mindfulness movements[44:45] Building emotional intelligence and "group mind"[47:00] Being intentional about creating physical space for trust Contact Megan at or on twitter at @mmackmedia, see her upcoming classes at the Rochester Brainery here: more about Second City Improv here: