MMM Turns 25! Independence Day Special: Saluting Our Covid Warriors, Our Doctors!


Listens: 1791

Movies, Music & Memories


As we celebrate our 74th Independence, the focus rightly should be on the modern avatar of freedom fighters who ensured we got freedom from the British Raj; The Frontline Workers or Doctors. Doctors without whom we wouldn't be in a position to withstand & live through what has shaken up humanity: COVID-19. 

In a complete shift from what content we usually put out in this podcast, in this landmark episode, I had the privilege to speak to Dr Priya Ramakrishnan to get a Doctor's perspective of being on the ground, as they risk their lives day in & out to ensure we all can be safe & these weird times. 

We also have Dr Sowmya & Dr Yashita sharing their experiences, takeaways and some pointers for all the listeners, as we are staring into an impending third wave of the deadly virus.

Hoping that this enlightens all of us and helps us emphasize with & understand what the frontline workers have been enduring as we get to hear their personal views on a variety of important topics which matter to every individual or citizen.