Inside The Fashion Industry | Ep 06


Listens: 8

Eureka- The Ins and Outs of the Content Business

Society & Culture

Are you an aspiring designer but feeling a bit lost on where to start? Wondering how to kickstart your journey in the world of fashion and design? Ever wondered what it's like to be a queer designer in this field? Rick's got some amazing stories to share!

In this another exciting episode of Eureka, we're sitting down with the incredible Rick Roy, a costume designer extraordinaire, alongside our host Tamagna Ghosh, to learn all about their journey in the fashion industry.

From Rick’s one-of-a-kind creative process to their take on what's hot in fashion right now, get ready to be inspired by Rick's passion, creativity, and how they've overcome challenges along the way.

So, if you're curious about the fashion world or looking for a bit of motivation to chase your dreams, this episode is for you! Hit play, enjoy the show, and don't forget to show some love by liking, commenting, and subscribing for more awesome chats with industry leaders like Rick Roy.

Eureka - The Ins And Outs Of The Content Business, An MnM Spodlight Original