Interview with Daunte “King Tae” Fyall on conviction and keeping a dying language alive.


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Life And Lemonade with Leah Marville


Daunte is a true example of what it means to live in purpose and follow your heart. He deviated from pursuing a successful career as a lawyer to pursuing a vision that sees him teaching people across the world the fundamentals of West African traditional dance. Strictly running on passion, Daunte leads a donation-based dance class, which during the recent pandemic attracted the attention of the LA Times to document the history and culture being exhibited through his class. Situated in Leimert Park, Daunte is fast becoming the authority in West African dance in California! His heart is leading him to his fortune, which already has seen him performing at the MTV awards, Iconic film - Coming to America 2, working with Netflix and performances for the President! He is such an inspiration and living example of the saying "where your treasure is, there your heart will also be."