Is COVID Just the Beginning?


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TW Telecast

Religion & Spirituality

The COVID pandemic has wreaked havoc all over the world. Think about how far reaching its effects have been, in a relatively short time. It’s destroyed businesses. It’s weakened whole economies. And stimulus packages have caused national debts to rise higher than ever. COVID’s effects have been seen in the political arena as well. COVID policies have caused controversy in local and national politics. Frustration has erupted into public protests and even riots. And of course, the disease has taken the lives of millions of people. It has caused the suffering of people in virtually every corner of the globe, being especially hard on the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions. As time goes on, many are putting their hope in vaccines to turn the tide on this crisis. And vaccines ARE being rolled out and distributed, to the relief of many. Others are resigned to riding it out until populations reach herd immunity, when most people will have been exposed to the disease. In either case, many believe at some point things will get back to normal. But will they? What if the COVID pandemic goes on longer that we expect? What if new, more contagious strains develop that are resistant to vaccines? Or, what if this is only the beginning of far worse diseases we have never dreamed of? This program isn’t going to forecast never-ending doom and gloom. That’s not our belief or our focus. There IS a lot of good news to talk about. God has a plan for our world. But we ALSO must be realistic and face the future HONESTLY. Something that is all too rare today. We tell you the TRUTH at Tomorrow’s World. And that truth involves WARNINGS about perilous times to come, and the HOPE that springs from the pages of your Bible. Today we’ll be offering a free study guide that is needed ESPECIALLY in these times of disease, death and despair. It’s entitled, “Does God Heal Today?” When fear is paralyzing many, you CAN have FAITH there is a real God who intervenes. It doesn’t matter how new or novel the disease is, GOD CAN HEAL. You might be SURPRISED to hear that. Divine healing is not something you’ll see talked about on your favorite news feed or evening program. But you will hear about it on Tomorrow’s World. So, don’t go away, because I’ll be right back to answer the question, “Is COVID just the beginning?” This is Tomorrow’s World.