Isolation Ep #2: One Glorious Week of AFL, then Chaos.


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As COVID-19 continues to bring our world to a halt, we keep trying to do a sports podcast in an age of no sports. Results are appropriately chaotic, even if still a lot of fun. A first time as we have a four-person pod with Dave, Shea, Vince & Matt all on board! - We do start with sports chat, as we briefly discuss the glorious week of Australian footy action right before hard quarantine measures truly hit Australian shores. Vince watched more than most Australians. - Chat then moves to the more serious questions of just when will we see these leagues come back, if ever - as well as the financial implications for leagues, particularly the AFL & NRL in Australia looking at some extreme measures to try and keep their leagues afloat. - Then the chaos reigns. Beer pong against ourselves. Live from Owen's bar. How we're dealing with our isolation, the beers, the wines, the tv shows. Stick with us, there's some good banter and info in there somewhere. I think. What do you call tiny bottles of alcohol? You'll find out. That's content, people. I say grab a beer and join us every week, but this time it is absolutely essential.