Italy 2020


Listens: 0

Second Cherry - Almost a Eurovision podcast


HERE WE GO! This is the final selection of the series and now we have the full list of songs for the Second Cherry Song Contest 2020. The boys finish up with Italy and the ever-entertaining Sanremo music festival. They also announce the date for the live show and details of how you can vote are below... Selected Songs: Diodato with "Fai Rumore"Francesco Gabbani with "Viceversa"Pinguini Tattici Nucleari with "Ringo Starr"Levante with "Tikibombom"Elodie with "Andromeda"Rancore with "Eden"Achille Lauro with "Me Ne Frego"Elettra Lamborghini with "Musica (E Il Resto Scompare)" Other Links: Vote here for the Second Cherry Song Contest 2020Matt & Monty's Good Thing of The Week That is Good: KEiiNO's new song, feat. Sordal, "Transarctic Lover"THAT Bugo and Morgan incident during Sanremo 2020Second Cherry on TwitterSecond Cherry on InstagramSecond Cherry on Facebook Email us: