Jana Soli: The Power of Organic Marketing and Authentic Connections


Listens: 32

doodles 2 dollars


Welcome back to the doodles 2 dollars podcast! Do you struggle with marketing yourself or your business? How do you get yourself out there and get paying clients? Does it feel like there are so many voices and to-dos that marketing just falls off your plate? If you said yes then this episode is for you.

Today we have Jana Soli on the show. Jana is a digital marketer and content creator. She partners with small and medium-sized brands ready to uplevel their organic marketing strategies. She specializes in brand strategy that skyrockets customer lifetime value through real connection.

Jana shares her perspective on how she shifted from retail management into marketing strategy, how to teach yourself the skills needed for freelance marketing even if you don't come from a marketing background (transferable skills, how to get a first client, being brave to put yourself out there in the freelance world.)

She will also share about her digital marketing agency and how to use current organic marketing strategies to stand out in any industry. If that peaks your interest, stick around as we dive into it.

If you prefer to read the transcript, want to check out other episodes or get Jana's links- head over to kseniaa.co/podcast

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If you'd like to be a guest on this show or have a topic you’d like us to cover, please reach out to me at podcast@kseniaa.co.