Jane Steen on Taking Your Time with the Creative Process


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Wish I'd Known Then . . . For Writers


Episode 086 / In this podcast with historical mystery author Jane Steen you’ll discover:  Why Jane feels that a permafree book is still a good marketing tactic Her mindset shift from being a writer to the publisher How she’s found success with her slow-and-steady production schedule Details on her cover rebrand for the House of Closed Door series and how it’s helping new readers discover her books QOTW: How do you come up with your publishing plan? Come over and say hi to Jami and Sara in the WIKT Facebook group! You can find show notes and links at wishidknownforwriters.com. Links:  Jane Steen’s website The Big List of Craft and marketing books mentioned on WIKT podcast episodes  Jami’s Launch Plan Sara’s Book Release Timeline Checklist