Jealousy - The Green Eyed Monster


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LargeInCharge Radio

Society & Culture

Jealousy we all go through it for one reason or another but has Jealousy impacted your life in a strong way?We all get jealousy sometimes, maybe you want that cute bag your friend has, maybe you saw someone who can pull off a look you wish you could.Some feel Jealousy in a relationship; some are jealousy of anyone who has what they want.Jealousy can be anything from a small twinge when you see a stranger that has that new phone you want.(Damn I wish I could get that phone. SIGH)To an outrageous rage that consumes you and can be dangerous.(If I can’t have her/him no one can!)When it comes to Jealousy it can affect in many ways, you can miss new opportunities of meeting new people and making friends. You might prejudge people or circumstances due to your feelings and not reality. Tonight we discuss how Jealousy can affect your life and why you should learn to understand this common feeling. Does the Green Eyed Monster control you?