JN015 - JN015 - The Opinions You Have On Bret Hart Are Wrong, You Idiot


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Jumping Nothing


Bret Hart is the greatest professional wrestler of all time - this is a topic on which even implacable enemies Karl and Michael can agree. As a result, this episode is something of a celebration. We begin at Wrestlemania 10 and conclude at Wrestlemania 13, covering the period of time during which the Hitman consistently failed to have hall-of-fame quality pay-per-view matches, selecting six to show that he could, at his height, do everything, with anyone. The compilation takes in Bret making sense of Piper, Bret cutting loose with Bulldog, Bret having an athletic wrestling contest with Owen, Bret having a cage-climbing competition with Owen, Bret having Kevin Nash's only good match, and Bret keeping up with Austin as he turns into Austin. We keep away from the stuff people tend to focus on - the Montreal screwjob, Bret-as-self-righteous, Bret as samey, Bret misused in WCW, Owen's death - and stick to what's really important: Bret as the first and last perfect wrestler in the WWF/E style. He's not boring, formulaic or irreparably marked by a single dispute. He is literally the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be. Enjoy. INCIDENTAL MUSIC: Igor Stravinsky - Sacrifical Dance of the Chosen Victim (Rite of Spring) Das EFX - We Want EFX Bobby Brown - Humpin' Around Nas - One Time 4 Your Mind Notorious BIG - Warning GZA - Duel of the Iron Mic Notorious BIG - Mo Money Mo Problems Bret Hart's theme