JN101 - Brock Lesnar Is A Carnival Freak, But That’s Okay


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Jumping Nothing


Brock Lesnar doesn’t seem like he enjoys wrestling all that much - but that doesn’t matter, because he is incredible at it. In the first episode of the new series of Jumping Nothing, Karl and Michael are joined in their new studio (...not apartment) by new addition Cathal, recruited for his unmatchable virtue of being from somewhat near Fergal Devitt in Bray. With the third man in place, they unpack the problem of Brock Lesnar, a man who doesn’t do anything smart fans like, but whom it is impossible not to enjoy. He’s made of ham. He sweats instead of selling. He won the title in the main event of his first Wrestlemania - and it wasn’t even his first title. But he was ready. He was born ready. (We watched: vs. Kurt Angle, Wrestlemania 19 vs. Eddie Guerrero, No Way Out 2004 vs. Goldberg, Wrestlemania 20 vs. John Cena, Extreme Rules 2013 vs. CM Punk, Summerslam 2013 vs. Undertaker, Wrestlemania 30 vs. Roman Reigns, Wrestlemania 31)