Journeys of the Astropaths 'MICHAEL' AN ASIDE


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AN ASIDE / SEXUAL SAFARI MATURE MATERIAL which is outside the timeline of our series. This episode is an aside to the series that explores Michael's addiction and should only be heard by adults. As a bonus episode, it may not be for everyone, and don't worry EPISODE 21 is coming soon. QUOTE FROM THE SCRIPT: I’m in the mood today to talk about something off the schedule – out of order – off the back story I’ve been trying to create. I mean the time with Marlow, my education, is something I’m enjoying putting together and its details need to be told. Especially since you asked for the whole story, but I’d like to take an aside, a sidebar, a kind of IMPROVISATIONAL delving into the real reason you asked me to record and write all this down. The reason we first met. The reason you believed I have a problem even my astropath ability can't power me through.