June 6, 2021 ~ "The Day of Returning"


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Northwood Sermon Podcast

Religion & Spirituality

Pastor Mitchell CruitJoel 2:1-17This text is tailored to teach us that the Lord himself opposes us, yet even now the Lord invites us to return to him. I. The Lord himself opposes us. (v.1-11)    A. Those who presume upon God’s kindness should fear. (v. 1, cf. Rom. 2:3-5)    B. No one can endure  the day of the Lord. (v. 2-11, cf. Matt 24:29 )II. Even now the Lord invites us to return to him. (v.12-17)    A. How do we return to the Lord?        1. Return with whole-hearts. (v. 12a)        2. Return with integrity. (v. 12b-13a)        3. Return in community. (v. 15-16)    B. What can we expect if we return to the Lord?        1. We can expect God to be gracious. (v. 13b-14)        2. We can expect God to act on our behalf for his glory. (v. 17)>>click here to listen or right-click to download<