Kakadu Plum Co. with Tahlia Mandie


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Food and Farm


Tahlia Mandie, founder of the Kakadu Plum Company, shares her story about the journey to discover Australia’s very own ‘super foods’. Native Australian bush foods are abundant in traditional Aboriginal cultures and are becoming more mainstream, with growing awareness of the nutritional benefits that these foods provide.With a passion for working with indigenous communities to source ‘wild harvested’ products in a sustainable and ethical way, Tahlia’s commitment to creating opportunities for indigenous Australian’s is inspiring, as she speaks about the importance to protect this growing industry.In 2018 Tahlia also founded The Plum Project, with the purpose to fund the development of bush food projects in indigenous communities.It's clear that this is about more than just a business, as seeking opportunities to provide increased support to Aboriginal communities is clearly front of mind for Tahlia.