Knowing your worth


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Love, Sex & Freedom Podcast

Health & Fitness

When love depends on another or external circumstances, our worthiness becomes continuously dictated by validation from the outside world, and it becomes difficult to set healthy boundaries. Through attunement to our inner world and consciously treating ourselves with the love and respect we seek, we set the foundations for embodied change in our outside world. Essentially we teach others how to treat us by how we treat ourselves!In this powerful episode, Chantelle Raven explores Tantra and somatic-based meditation to: Release the mind and attune to ourselves in the present moment.Bring loving awareness and respect to ourselves.Rediscover self-worth and embody self-love.Authentically communicate needs and healthy boundaries.For an online version of this course, check out Relationship Tantra in Embodied Awakening's online library:, or sign up for our newsletter for Tantric tools and tips.