Lead Grow Innovate #37 Different types of power part 3


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Lead Grow Innovate Podcast


Over the last two weeks, we have covered three different power types.  These styles tend to be the standards that experts recognize as the basis of all styles.  So far we have covered reward power, coercive power, and legitimate power.  Today we will cover off our last two types of power, expert and referent.  Welcome to the different types of power part 3.  We will begin with expert powerThis style or type is very self-explanatory.It is granted when a person has superior knowledge or skillset in a particular area or areas.The first time we spoke of this we talked about how the person may not even be involved with the job at hand.They will be looked to as a resource.This style of power actually knows no position nor does it require a position to have a presence. The shortcoming of this style Though this style of power can create an air of importance around the person it is limited to that person s expertise. This style of power does not reside in a position it is the person that generates.As such the expertise limits the power.  Certain people can overcome this boundary but many will operate within the scope of their expertise.Our last style of powerThis is referent power and it is the one style of power that we can watch and evaluate daily.Every time we turn on the television and watch a celebrity endorse a product in a commercial.Abuse of power?When celebrities endorse products many times it is not because they like or even use the product it is marketing and often nothing more.They are being paid to sell products and as actors and sports stars, they have built a level of celebrity around themselves. It can be tough and when they receive sponsorships and endorsements it is a credit to that hard work early on.This is abuseWhen truly charismatic leaders connect with others they begin to form a level of credibility.  This is also another style of power that can be seen at many levels of business from large to very small These managers are not afraid to own mistakes and take the lead in admitting that something was done wrong.They also ensure that recognition is shared with all involved and do not hog the spotlight.They are seen as reliable and trustworthy and it comes naturally to them.Over the last three episodesSome have positive aspects others with negative all with equal amounts of influence if used correctly.On the flip side, it can be very demoralizing to a team if these aspects are used incorrectly and can cause a leader to be scrutinized.There is an old saying in business.  If something is wrong look to the leader.Never should we feel that this is an "us" versus "them" situationIt should instead be viewed as a form of partnership that allows people to work effectively. Through this partnership, the team and the company will prosper.Managers and leaders who commonly use power inappropriately with their teams will many times find their teams dissatisfied.Once we build that network it will be up to us to work on it daily and ensure that we deserve it.Through ethical work practices and owning situations, we will deserve the power that our teams will allow us.Good LuckLook for these types of power daily in your life.Begin to self assess the usage.Was it the correct method for the situation or wBuzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREEDisclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.