Leading a Global Leader, with Pierre Billardon


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OIS Podcast


Dutch Ophthalmic Research Center (DORC) is a world-leading retinal surgical instrument developer. Even so, CEO Pierre Billardon recognizes the company has a fair percentage of United States market share to obtain.To take the private equity-backed company through its next growth phase — the goal is to double its equity in three to five years — Pierre listened to DORC’s surgeon customers, strengthened its team, and improved DORC’s internal and external communication.While innovation remains a key driver for DORC, Pierre remains focused on developing practical solutions. One key example: DORC’s disposable flat vitrectomy lens, a favorite device of host Firas Rahal, MD. In this episode, Dr. Rahal speaks with Pierre about the technology behind TissueBlue, the only FDA-approved selective stain for the ILM, and why it’s superior to using ICG off label for ILM staining.You’ll also discover: ·         How Pierre’s success at HumanOptics, manufacturer of the CustomFlex artificial iris, has informed his position at DORC. CustomFlex is the first ophthalmic device to receive FDA Breakthrough Device designation.·         The engineering behind the EVA Phaco-Vitrectomy system and how it brings LED “light to the eye.”·         How Pierre plans to obtain and maintain market share in a competitive landscape and his vision for the future.·         Why he considers his current leadership role the “job of his dreams.”Listen Now !