Leapfrogging the technology with Pallav Prakash


Listens: 702

Software People Stories


In this episode, Gayatri is in conversation with Pallav Prakash Indian Navy veteran and program manager at Zum

  • Talks about starting in technology in early 1980s by way of merit and got passionate about computers
  • He talks about implementing high critical projects in submarines and speaks about them as ‘point of no return’ 
  • Talks about the pride of careering a Indian passport stemming from the Indian software people across the globe with special mention towards women
  • Talks about the pride moment of digitisation of files and decision making system across multiple years in Navy
  • Shares about the stories of maintenance of the hardware and the missile guidance was architected and built self reliantly
  • He shares with pride that Inventory management is one of the largest across the globe with first being Air force and second as Indian navy 
  • Talks about the software that has been indigenously developed and given confidence at the heart of every frontline person that warfare is top notch
  • His journey to move to US to understand different culture and taking an internship program with school
  • He has been an india head for AnitaB and his views on equitable data and the level of impact software could make
  • Now Pallav is working for zum to solve the school bus transportation in a carbon neutral model and how one has to be inside the problem to solve it and not on top of it
  • How can software communities come together to improve society as a whole is a question Pallav leaves with all listeners
  • Shares the story of the girl who pursued computers to get the comfort of AC to changing the landscape and provide an environment for others

Pallav brings over 20 years of leadership experience in diverse business and technology. He has successfully managed large cross-functional, multi-national teams deploying strategies to take operations, programs and products on a high growth path. Pallav is a career program manager implementing high stake programs for the Indian Navy. He has done full time MBA from The Johns Hopkins University and a Management program alumnus (with specialization in Marketing) from Indian Institute of Management Lucknow. He has worked in Indian navy in executing several high tech projects as well as being chief of staff in Indian Navy in executing some of their HR programs.

Pallav is a proven leader in managing offshore multisite programs and projects with client interface with passion towards furthering the mission of Women in Technology 

Pallav can be reached at https://www.linkedin.com/in/pallav-prakash/