Learn How By letting Life Unfold, You Can Live Full Out


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Living Full Out Show


The Living Full Out with host Nancy Solari is here to assist you with letting your life unfold. Maybe you are frustrated with your inability to obtain your dream job or school the first time you apply. It could be that your personal goals seem farther away than ever while you are stuck in your routine. By understanding that every setback and detour from your life path happens for a reason, you can live full out.Our first caller, Joyce, needs advice on how to find the motivation to continue her education at 50 years old. Nancy reminds her that age could assist in her path forward because she could use her experiences to relate to other people like her trying to understand how to code as well. Listen in to learn how to continue expanding your horizons even as you grow older.Our inspirational guest, Laura Cadieu, has bipolar 1, meaning she has periods of depression and mania. She first started noticing symptoms when she was 25 years old and inexplicably went off to France. When she returned home though, she had to deal with the consequences of her spending and a move to a new location. The condition worsened to the point that she was having delusions and had to check herself into a mental hospital. After meeting with therapists, journaling, and coming to understand her limits, Laura now is successfully working a part-time job at a healthcare company. Tune in to learn how taking chances will assist in your life unfolding.Our final caller, Nilton, wants to know how to continue trusting in a relationship during the quarantine. Nancy recommends that he maintains faith in his partner and to believe in people until they prove otherwise. She also encourages him to consider giving second and third chances. Listen in to understand the importance of having confidence in those we care about.It could be that your career turned out differently than you expected it to. Perhaps an event altered your life in an unanticipated way. By trusting that the unpredictable hurdles and problems that you face will enhance your personal growth, you can live full out.