Learning by building a TODO App with all the bells and whistles with Lee Warrick


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Developer Side Quests: The Podcast


Guest Bio Lee Warrick is a multitasking bard with many feathers in his cap. Truly a jack-of-all trades and master of none, Lee has worked as a firefighter and nurse before changing jobs to web development where he now works as a Front-end Developer, using his Bardic charms to enchant his audience with sizzling CSS and jumping JavaScript tunes. Not satisfied with focusing only on his own quest as a developer, Lee formed a guild for fledgling developers in the form of the Project Codex Meetup in Orlando, FL, where he works tirelessly to support the membership with inspirational and educational talks and workshops. To extend that support even further beyond Orlando, Lee teamed up with Eddie Otero to spin epic yarns coding quests they've tackled, as well as those of other developers on the Tech Jr podcast.  What was the quest? I wrote leewarrick.com/Goaler as my own personal todo app over last winter break in React/Firebase. I've been slowly adding tweaks and updates as my own use cases change. Basically I wanted a no-nonsense todo app with that I could braindump all the stuff I have to do instead of keeping it in my head. Then I wanted to keep myself accountable so I assigned a countdown time to each task. It sorts tasks by due time or by last added. Beyond that I added functionality to group tasks under multi-step goals, since some things are too complex to be handled in one step. Links: - Twitter: @leewarrickjr, @TechJrPodcast - E-Mail: leewarrickjr@gmail.com - Websites: - https://leewarrick.com - https://techjr.dev - https://leewarrick.com/goaler - https://leewarrick.com/babelfish - Meetup: https://meetup.com/project-code-experience - "Create React App" tool: https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app - Wes Bos: https://wesbos.com/ Special Guest: Lee Warrick.