Lessons On the Lives of the Disciples - Introduction: "What Are You Seeking?–Come and See"


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Men's Fellowship Breakfast Talks

Religion & Spirituality

Hunter Ruch, Associate Pastor, welcomes us back as we begin our study for the Fall, "Lessons from the Lives of the Disciples." We will begin our study today in John 1:35-42. Fridays from 7–8am At the Chapel, outside under the tent and streamed live: https://wcchapel.org/watch-listen/friday-mens-breakfast-talks/ Bring your own bench (chair), breakfast, beverage, Bible, and a friend. Our fall study is entitled “Follow Me: Lessons from the Lives of the Disciples.” Together, we will learn lessons that Jesus taught His disciples in the 1st century that still apply to us today in the 21st century. How amazing to know that Jesus Christ chose twelve ordinary men and transformed them into His witnesses who would spread His gospel and advance His kingdom. How amazing to know that Jesus Christ still chooses us today to continue His kingdom work. As we dive into the gospels and learn these timeless truths, we will be shaped as His followers and equipped as His disciples. We hope you will not only consider attending, but also consider friends, neighbors, and family members whom you can invite on this exciting journey. Worship is vital for human flourishing. Join us online Sunday mornings starting at 9:00am on Facebook LIVE or wcchapel.org/worship