Let’s Go! with Dr. Duran


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New York Eye Doc


Dr. Jessica Duran and I often wonder, how did we do it? We find ourselves in awe of having this fulfilling career as optometrists and being able to take care of people’s eyes because in our situations as first-gens we didn’t necesarily have college aspirations but luckily someone saw us and our potential and said “Hey, you can do this”. We also talk about how when you first graduate it’s hard to find a full time position with benefits. When practicing in big cities we often have to piece together our schedule. Because of this we can become loyal to a fault and sometimes you have to learn to walk away. She opens up about her experiences navigating optometry contracts and on knowing your worth. My Listener Survey Enter to Win a $50 AMEX Gift Card https://di6dvkagf4w.typeform.com/to/jKe66BzH Connect with Dr. Duran instagram.com/dreyebeauty drjessduran@gmail.com My YouTube Video “My Biggest Regret as an Optometrist” https://youtu.be/dMoGVbP-AKA MEChA Movimiento Estudiantil mechanationals.org Eyes Up episode with Dr. Hashmi where she speaks on how a childhood eye injury inspired her to become an OD https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/eyes-up/id1482422987?i=1000488307064 Eyes Up on Social instagram.com/eyesuppod twitter.com/eyesuppod