Let‘s Sound Off on Supporting HR Pro‘s in Their Career Development


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HR Sound Off


Ricklyn Woods is an HR Pro on a mission to support her fellow colleagues in landing the job they deserve and she does it with great passion and style. Taking all of her knowledge and experience from her HR career, Ricklyn chose to pivot in 2020 during the pandemic to offer her services to the people supporting the people. In this episode, Ricklyn and I discuss: ? Her inspirational HR origin story ? Advice to young women on how to rise from unexpected detours in life ? The impact of connecting with intention on LinkedIn ? How her career pivot has changed her life and the lives of those she serves ? Our petition to HR leaders to support the personal and professional development of their HR teams Listen to us put Tracie Sponenberg on the spot as we petition for our first HR Rebels retreat to be in Barbados. Ricklyn's Picks ? Betting on You - Laurie Ruettimann ? Own Your Career, Own Your Life - Andy Storch ? Redefining HR - Lars Schmidt ? Side Hustle Pro ? Switch Pivot or Quit Be sure to connect with Ricklyn on LinkedIn and check out her podcast show "So You Think You Can HR".