Let's Talk Kids: "Don't Just Do Something... Stand There!"


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Let's Talk Kids


This one is for every adult who’s watched in frustration as a parent or child struggled in some way. Perhaps you’re a caring neighbor who sees the single parent next door work two jobs in order to provide for her kids. Maybe you’re a grandparent who can’t stand to watch a grandchild try again and again to get the right piece in the jigsaw puzzle. Or you might be a friend who sees a parent at his wit’s end figuring out how to support a child’s more peaceful behavior. If you ever find yourself a witness to such struggles, here is an idea for you from Dr. Jeree Pawl, a clinical psychiatrist who specializes in working with young families: Don’t just do something, stand there! When I first heard this idea from Dr. Pawl, she’d already powerfully influenced my own approach. But this jarring notion of hers set me on my heels. What? Just stand there when people struggle? Here’s the thinking behind it: Most of us respond to the distress of others by wanting to fix the problem. We hear an SOS,