Little House In The Big Woods


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UNspoiled! Book Club!


Hey everyone! It's time for the next Childhood Favorite, this month hosted by Gena Radcliffe fof Kill BY Kill Podcast! Gena, like me, loved these books as a child, and unlike me, went on to become a fan of the TV show as well. I only saw a few minutes of one ep and decided it was not for me, and you won't believe what Gena tells me happens in the final episode (unless you've seen it in which case, whaaaaaat were they thinking???). I was a little worried about this reread, but it turns out that a lot of the more objectionable stuff is in her later book, Little House On The Prairie. In fact, this book is much more like Farmer Boy than it is like the other Little House books, because it's so much more focused on the how-tos of self-sufficiency. No wonder I like this one so much, it's practically a DIY book.Thanks a ton to all of you for listening, and to Gena for guesting! See you next month with Crazy Rich Asians and Little Women!