Live Stream Worship Service for December 19, 2021


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Rivermont Evangelical Presbyterian Church (REPC) - Sermons

Religion & Spirituality

December 19, 2021 - Preparing for the Lord's Day December 16, 2021 by David Weber Category: Preparing for the Lord's Day preparing Preparing for the Lord's Day Thy Kingdom Come Throughout the Fall our attention has been given to the teachings of Jesus on the Kingdom of God. We have seen that the Kingdom is like a seed that is planted. We have reflected upon the promise that the Kingdom is like a treasure hidden in a field. We have been encouraged by the hope that the Kingdom is like a wedding feast for which we are called to wait. Now in Matthew 25, we are told that the coming Kingdom is like a shrewd businessman who gave his servants charge over large sums of money while he was gone on a journey. These large sums of money were called talents. In the ancient world, a talent was the largest unit of measure for money. A talent may have represented hundreds of thousands of dollars. A man who owned multiple talents would have been extraordinarily wealthy. Today the term talent has developed into a general term for personal giftings in areas of sport, music, or academics. Those with talent are those with potential for success. And this understanding of the term is rooted in Jesus’ parable on talents. For it is teaching that the Lord has given to his people gifts for the advancement of his kingdom. He has given to each of his people strengths and advantages that are to be used for the sake of the gospel. And what we will see in our text is that if we would be found faithful servants of the Lord we must trust our talents to his purposes. To come prepared for worship take time this week to read and meditate upon Matthew 25:14-30, Proverbs 6:6-11, Luke 19:12-27, Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, Ephesians 4:7-13, and 1 Peter 4:10-11.