Living A Broken Life


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NPPBC Audio Sermons

Religion & Spirituality

God is able to bring anyone down to a humility. Your pride will take you down. Had can raise a person up and He most certainly can bring them back down. Everyday people let pride stop them from worshipping God. Do you think your life is needed by God for something your capable of doing? David's fall wasn't his lust but his pride that made him think that since he was the king he could have anything he wanted. Pride removed half of Heaven when Lucifer was thrown from it. Guess what kills churches today, pride. How should we live a life without pride? We should live broken, humbled. Phil 2:1-3, this should be our guide in our lives. How many times have you attended church and thought you're doing good. You've read your bible and prayed some during the week. But once you've entered the church and worship begins it tears thru you because of your lack prideful thoughts of thinking you've accomplished something. 1 Peter 5:6, Phil 2:5, stay humble! We are hypocrites because most say that we are good but we are not. Phil 2:6, Jesus was sent to become a human man. He is God incarnate therefore the greatest humility that a God would become a person. Thinking of who was worth Christ's death to remove our sins. Not one person is worth His love. We are to love our neighbor as ourselves. You will never accomplish that while having pride in your life. Money can disappear tomorrow. Your health while good today could turn horrible bad tomorrow.