Local Politics: A Madison Primer w/ Alder Amanda Hall


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MJ is Ignorant: A Politics Podcast

News & Politics

Follow us on twitter @mjisignorant for questions and comments! This month I'm joined by Madison's Alder for district 3, Amanda Hall. Josh* and I learned a ton from her about the government structure of Madison, WI and Dane County, and the work that those elected officials do. Local politics often impact our day to day more than national politics do and it's great to dive into a better understanding. As promised, here are some local government resources: - States and cities have government pages that are great for knowing your representatives and learning about upcoming elections:  https://www.cityofmadison.com/council/district3/ http://elections.wi.gov/events/upcoming-elections - There are also non-government groups who disseminate information about elections and voting laws: https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar https://www.usvotefoundation.org/vote/state-elections/state-election-dates-deadlines.htm - I also found this excellent app that notifies you of your next elections: https://medium.com/@newfoundershq/we-launched-our-everyelection-app-354fba920594   *Josh Brzeszkiewicz writes at http://joshbrez.com