Lost in Williamsburg 14: Feelings


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Lost In Williamsburg


Margaret Souter, still convalescing, is scouring the Virginia Gazette for local weirdness, when she receives a visit from and old...friend. Dale (Margaret's son) is still reading Hexabeth's Diary, and Hexabeth is still plotting her revenge, and young Thomas Jefferson is in for one last (possibly) surprise. Hopefully Valerie will help Dale make sense of everything. This podcast contains swearing Colleen Kennedy as Hexabeth Blackhard Mark Hutchens as Thomas Jefferson John Shuey as Richard Holcombe Frederick Corney as Professor Jobriath Will Hausman as Dale Souter Joan Turner as Jessie Dunhill Louise Menges as Margaret Souter and Caroline Corney as your host Written, directed, scored and produced by Phillip Merritt Thank you to Freesound.org for the use of their creative commons sound effects. ©Phillip Merritt, 2015