LWW 128: How to Find an Editor


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Lesbians Who Write Podcast


TB’s last two weeks were pure hell: two massive back-to-back deadlines, computer issues, another hurricane, and quick turnarounds for end-of-month tasks. The good news is she was able to fix a niggling problem with The Setup blurb on Audible, and Lizzie is with her beta readers. In her downtime, TB’s been watching tennis. It’s Clare’s birthday, and it’s a big one! In not fun news, she spent a week getting her accounts sorted. Clare’s squeezing out some new words in a shiny-new project because she’s got the itch to write a story in first person. In fab sports news, Clare saw two women’s football games. Ladies in shorts. What’s not to love? They dive into the main topic: how to find an editor. A listener requested the topic, and while on the surface is seems like an easy question, it’s anything but. The duo shares some resources with lists of editors (see links below) and suggest asking other authors as well as visiting writing Facebook groups. Finding the right editor for your project will take time and patience. There might be some bumps on the road, but it’s key to work with someone who understands your writing style and will help you grow as an author. How did you find your editor? Head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com, and leave a comment on the episode. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com. Next week, they’ll discuss A+ content. Happy listening! Clare and TB Links: Buy Us a Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/LesWhoWrite LWW 20: lesbianswhowrite.com/lww20-lets-talk-about-editing/ iReadIndies: ireadindies.com/resources.html Reedsy: reedsy.com The Creative Penn: www.thecreativepenn.com/editors/ Alliance of Independent Authors: www.allianceindependentauthors.org