Mammoth Lakes Brewery - 035


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Beer There, Drunk That


What’s this? What’s this? There’s white things in the air! That’s right little skellingtons Joey recently drove up to the land of Ultimate White Stuff: Mammoth Lakes, CA for a family getaway full of blow in the snow. Of course he took a trip over to what used to be the only brewery in town - Mammoth Brewing - to grab a grip of their in-line bottles and a couple seasonal special releases to bring back to his best (suds) bud Steve to sample everything this long standing staple of post-boarding brew lovers has to offer, including Golden Trout Kolsch, Yosemite Pale Ale, Double Nut Brown, Epic IPA, IPA 395, Charley’s Revenge Olde Ale, and a few special releases. Does Mammoth Brewing Company shred the slopes as well as the locals that fill it’s bar stools every evening after the mountain shuts down? Or is it’s popularity simply due to the defacto monopoly it’s held on the entire Mammoth Craft Beer Scene for more than two decades? We give some honorable mentions to brand new rival brewery Black Doubt (soon to be Distant) Brewing as well, so it’s a bit of a double black diamond episode if we do say so ourselves! Let’s guzzle down some ice cold Mammoth Brewery beers bro