Mark Colgan On How To Leverage Podcasts To Reach Your Target Audience & Share Your Message...


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Beyond 7 Figures: Build, Scale, Profit


Ep 65 - Mark Colgan, an entrepreneur and revenue leaders, joins me on the show this week to discuss his latest business venture "Speak On Podcasts." Mark is responsible for increasing revenue across a small portfolio of companies where he leverage his 13 years of experience in B2B Sales, Marketing and Recruitment to scale these companies. With "Speak On Podcasts," Mark helps entrepreneurs and business owners to get booked on podcasts that their target audience listens to so they can share their message. The company does the heavy lifting so that clients simply show up to podcast interviews and share their message. Learn More Mark Colgan and Speak On Podcasts: Visit the Speak On Podcasts Website: Visit Mark Colgan's Website: Connect with Mark Colgan on LinkedIn at:   Also, please remember to subscribe, rate, and leave a written review for the show if you find value in it. Your reviews help this show to reach a wider audience and I appreciate everyone that has been leaving them.   FOLLOW CHARLES GAUDET ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Follow Charles Gaudet on LinkedIn: Follow Charles Gaudet on Facebook: Follow Charles Gaudet on Twitter:   VISIT THE PREDICTABLE PROFITS WEBSITE: