MBFH058: How To Protect Your Time and Become More Productive in Your Work with Alex Marquez and Kingsley Grant


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My Biz From Home: Start A Business Online From Home | Side Business | Legacy | Make Money | Work From Home | Busy Dads


✅ Ep. 058: How To Protect Your Time and Become More Productive in Your Work with Alex Marquez and Kingsley Grant Here’s a summary of the conversation between Alex Marquez and Kingsley Grant. ➡️ How do you define legacy and what legacy do you want to leave behind? Legacy is the ability to achieve greatness and has major accomplishments. It is raising my kids to be intelligent people and to pursue what it is they want to do. It is passing on to my children my ideologies and philosophies in life. ➡️ How did you arrive at this definition. Was it handed down to you? I’ve always loved philosophy; challenging my thoughts and ideas. I see knowledge as a bucket that can never be filled enough. The more you use it up the more you can put in there. ➡️ Tell us a little about your entrepreneurial journey   I started out as a child, selling rocks to my friends in school. Once I figured it out and saw the results, I was bitten by the entrepreneurial bug. Along with my brother, we were able to open a burger shop. We eventually were able to add family members to the team. From this point, it was evident that having a business was the thing to do. Migrated to the USA with $300 in my pocket, the clothes I packed in my car, and unemployed. Knowing that family members were there who could help me if the worst thing happened, it made it easier. We have a close-knit family. Worked several jobs along the way to make ends meet. Even though family stood ready to help, I wasn’t going to depend on it. I was going to figure it out. As I kept moving forward, things began to fall into place. I was determined to do something for myself. It all led to where I am today.   Today, Alex’s company: Offer brokerage transportation for large equipment/freight Operates as a logistics contractor/consultant to do the work, saving businesses money Pros of doing business from home time to spend with his young child, while his wife works outside the home save dollars in not having to pay daycare for child Cons of doing business from home won’t work as hard because he’s on his own time keeping your eyes on the prize Setting boundaries: when the door is closed it means “I’m at work!” communicate to everyone what is going on Connect with Alex Marquez - www.2MLogistics.com For more ... www.startabusinessonlinefromhome.com/058