Metal Geeks 208: Super Spooky Geekery


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Metal Geeks Podcast/MSRcast Metal Podcast


The Metal Geeks crew returns for another spine chilling episode as we discuss Muppets Haunted Mansion, Metroid Dread, all the horror movies that Justin has seen this month, what's ticking our geeks, and George Hates Metal dives deep into 1000 Bone Cylinder Explosion. Yes, I typed that correctly! Keep it metal! Keep it Geeky! Join the Metal Geeks Society today on Facebook and join in on all the geekery! Join us on our website at or to keep up with all the geekery. Email us your opinions and ideas at Follow us on Twitter, @metalgeeks, and @msrcast. You can now find us on Instagram, @metalgeeks. Find us at Facebook/MetalGeeks. Subscribe to Metal Geeks Podcast on iTunes, and please leave a 5-star review on iTunes and a like us whilst you are there. You can also find us on Stitcher as well as on Google Play. We are now also on Spotify, so jam us into your playlist! Don’t forget to pay a visit to all of our affiliates including, where you can find all of the killer shows that make up the ESO Podcast network. You can now get some killer Metal Geeks merchandise over at including t-shirts and more!