Mic Check Radio 12152019 The Ick


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Mic Check Radio with Adam Hebert


Adam has caught The Ick and both sounds and feels like crap. Mitch "The Turtle Man" McConnell vows to rig Trump's impeachment trial, because AMERICA, and Adam makes a Constitutional case that this disqualifies him from sitting as part of the trial. Then, conservatives continue their assault on sixteen year old Greta Thunberg, and Adam points out their long history of ignoring the "Leave the kids alone" rule they insist be observed with Barron, including the stalking of the family of Graeme Frost by Michelle Malkin (Along with a possible breaking and entering). Kenny Pick makes his return for Nerd Talk, and they talk about the trailers for Ghostbusters Afterlife and Wonder Woman 1984. No show on December 22nd, as Adam will be at his company Christmas party. But he will be hosting a special year-in-review on Christmas Eve in the 7-10 PM time slot.