Micro Episode 2: Making Faster And Better Decisions


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Dad Chat with Greg & Matt

Kids & Family

This week's Micro Episode is courtesy of an article from Entrepreneur.com titled: Let Go Of These 10 Things And Start Making Better, Faster Decisions. Check out the article here - https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/345670If you are a dad AND an entrepreneur, freelancer or professional your day is pretty much spent making micro decisions from the time you wake up until you are in bed with your eyes closed. So what are some things you can do to help make those decisions better, more effectively and faster?Find out some of Greg's top tips and hacks in this episode of Dad Chat. And let us know: what are your top tips for making effective decisions in your life or at home? Head onto social media and use #dadchat and let us know and we might feature you and your response in an upcoming episode. And be sure to follow us on social media:http://instagram.com/gregrolletthttp://instagram.com/msgfarb