Mini 027 | 3 Content Ideas for PROMOTING Your Offers On Instagram


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Feel Good Social Media Marketing Podcast


If we're showing up on Instagram for our brands, we've gots to be PROMOTING our offers, friends. And as the highest revenue-generating month of the year, December happens to be the perfect time of year to do this.(but also, you should be promoting yourself every month of the year, just sayin')In today's minisode, I'm sharing 3 promotional content ideas you can share on Instagram!PLUS if you would like access to customizable Canva templates that have already been created for each of these posts, check out the Feel Good Social Club!I just so happened to create templates for each of these ideas - and they are available in our Club's Content Library. Head to to check it out and join now!You'll gain immediate access and unlimited downloads of all of our 100+ customizable Canva Templates, as well as our tutorials, workshops and community forums!Check it out: