Ministry On the Margins: Seeing God‘s Power in Dark Places - An Interview With Clay Mason


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Wineskins Podcast

Religion & Spirituality

Clay Mason is a minister in Colorado. He lives among the poor and homeless, serving them and showing them the love of Jesus. Jesus said "Go" and he and his wife have gone on this mission. They don't take a paycheck from it. It is a labor of love...a wild adventure that is full of challenge and joy one day at a time. The interview chronicles how they got into this grassroots ministry, happenings at the river, moving away from traditional church and ministry and how they see God working. The interview will bring you joy and make you cry. Be blessed by watching it and hearing all God is doing! I am confident you will be blessed by this conversation and I hope you will consider two things: 1 - Is God calling you to something non-traditional in ministry 2 - Is God calling you to support Clay's ministry If you would like to donate to Clay's ministry you can do so through the Goldthwaite Church of Christ. Checks made payable to "The Way" and mailed to: "The Way" C/O Goldthwaite Church of Christ PO Box 443 Goldthwaite, TX 76844