Mood changer - a Q&A with myself about veganism.


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Mood changer


Hi everyone, it me. Today I am doing a Q&A with myself about veganism. I have been vegan for 3 months and I’m still learning but I am already starting to feel better physically but surprisingly also mentally! I have noticed my mood improving and at first I didn’t know what it was until I looked back and realised it started around the time I became vegan. I was a vegetarian for more than 5 before I became vegan. In this podcast I will be talking about my journey to becoming vegan and also about the environmental impacts we have by not consuming animal products. I will also be talking about my mental health and about the foods I miss. I hope you’ll enjoy this podcast and happy listening! I hope you enjoyed this podcast. I have been very passionate about veganism and environmentalism and this was the perfect way for me to express my knowledge and thoughts. I have learned so much these last few months about food and our needs as I had to find other alternatives. Thank you for listening and see you next time.