Most Common Mistakes When Selling Your Home


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Real Estate Morning in Toronto


#1 Home is priced too high.  While you may feel your home is special, asking more than the fair market value will usually get you nowhere. After checking comparable sold houses... Ask yourself a question why do you think that your house worth 50-100 thousands more than a similar house that recently SOLD in your area. If you have reasonable answers then list with a higher price.    #2 Home Is Being Marketed Incorrectly. Effective marketing will help ensure that your property receives maximum exposure to attract a qualified buyer in the shortest period of time. For example, we are hiring a professional interior photographer and videographer for making high-quality pictures and videos for your property. Also, we are printing marketing materials with more detailed information about your property.   Check the marketing plan or the action plan with the agent that you are planning to list. Do not be shy about asking for simple videos.    #3 Condition of the property While your home in its current condition may work for you and your family, if there are repairs that need to be done, or it is terribly outdated, fixing these problems will not only make it easier to market your home, but will also increase its value. In most cases this increase will be considerably greater than the money you put into making the changes.